Sunday, November 21, 2010

Make way for baby!

Today I am 37 weeks pregnant - which means I am still 3 weeks away from my due date, but I'm officially 9 months along and "allowed" to go into labor whenever this little babe decides to make his appearance. Which I'm really hoping won't be AFTER his due date... I'm feeling much more impatient this time than I was with Charlotte, and that might have something to do with how sleepless my nights have been with preggo back/hip pain for the past few weeks. I remember the 9th month being difficult last time, but not quite this bad... Hopefully he'll follow his big sister's example and come punctually. :)

Over the past few weeks we've been busy getting things ready for his arrival. Charlotte moved to her new room and toddler bed (which she loves), John installed the infant car seat last week, all the little boy clothes are washed and folded, the home birth supplies are gathered and standing by in our room, and we just got the bassinet ready. Basically all that's left to do is just general house-tidying and organizing (or nesting?).

In all honesty, even with the above things being accomplished, I feel completely unprepared to take care of another baby - if I just did this two years ago, why do I feel like I've forgotten everything about infant care and nursing? And how exactly do you care for a crazy 2-year-old AND a newborn at the same time, all while running on just a couple hours of sleep each night? I know what I need to do now is trust God and remind myself that he will give me enough strength for each day. Prayers for peace (and that Charlotte and I would quickly heal from some bad colds we just caught) are much appreciated.

We're so excited to meet you, baby Jackson! <3