Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Still Alive!

Oops! Time slipped through my fingers and I haven't updated the blog in almost three months. That's mostly due to the fact that I spent the last three months dealing with horrible morning sickness and couldn't cook anything except for the occasional mac n' cheese for my toddler. We're delighted about the new little one on the way, and though I'm now four months pregnant and still not out of the woods as far as nausea goes, I'm feeling a little more normal and dying to start cooking again (but only if the recipe doesn't include garlic). I can't muster enough blogging power to write a decent post at the moment (preggers brain), but since I don't want my blog to "die", here are some thoughts. I do have a lot of those!

  • I've loved using cloth diapers for the past 8 months. I plan on writing a post in the near future about all the reasons why!
  • I have one vanilla bean in my cabinet and am contemplating what to use it for. Maybe a bottle of homemade extract?
  • I recently made some dried cherry buttermilk scones and they were scrumptious. Recipe and pictures when I find the time.
  • No matter how much I wash, fold and iron, the laundry is never really done.
  • I am ridiculously impatient for my ultrasound, even more so than I was with Charlotte. How can I make the next 3 weeks go faster? Dying to know if it's pink or blue! :>
  • Watermelons went down in price, but cherries are still ridiculously expensive. Anyone know when they're in season?
  • We have our first vegetable garden this year! Only casualty thus far is one of the basil plants - devoured by japanese beetles. Thankfully we planted two! Tomatoes are almost ready to harvest, as are some bell peppers. The cucumbers are growing like crazy, but definitely not ready to pick yet. Yum!
  • You haven't had hummus until you've had it homemade, with ROASTED garlic - not raw.
  • I still haven't finished Charlotte's baby quilt. *sigh*